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Advanced Result Cambridge English Student's Book with Online Practice 2015 Exam

by Gude / Stephens Published by Oxford University Press

Published 2015

Cambridge English: Advanced Result is fully updated to prepare students for the new 2015 exam.

The Student's Book comes with access to Online Practice and an online practice test. The online material is automatically marked, saving time for teachers and giving students instant feedback on their answers. The LMS functionality allows teachers to instantly see students' results in the online gradebook, so they can identify weaker areas to focus on in class.

The Teacher's Book includes unit tests, progress tests and a Speaking DVD showing students doing Speaking tests in exam-like conditions, which teachers can play to reassure their class about what to expect on exam day. Key features:

Fully updated for the new 2015 exam

Online Practice and online practice test provide plenty of extra practice opportunities outside class

Contemporary topics, lively texts and vibrant design to keep your students motivated

Focus on developing dictionary skills for exam tasks encourages independent study

Workbook includes CD Rom with audio, and access to an additional online practice test

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