• ISBN: 9781913825805
  • Category: Skills - Writing Skills
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B2 Writing: Cambridge Masterclass with Practice Tests

Published by Prosperity Education

Published 2023.

There are six possible task types in the B2 First Writing exam.

This write-in student book focuses on each task type individually, explaining its characteristics and providing guidance on how to plan a response to an exemplar question.

For each task-type question, two responses from different students are provided. One response is very good and the other is less good, identifying areas in which the student could improve.

There are detailed comments on each response, categorised by the assessment criteria (Content; Communicative Achievement; Organisation; Language), as well as a breakdown of the marks that each response could get in the exam.

The four exam-styled practice tests included in this resource will allow the reader to consolidate their approach to the different types of writing task that can be assessed.