
Mit Erfolg zum Deutsch-Test Fur Zuwanderer A2 - B1 Book with Digital

by Krane / Pohlschmidt et al Published by Klett

Published 2023.

Successfully pass the German test for immigrants A2 - B1 - new edition

The new training for the current exam

For the German course or for learning alone

The exercise and test book will certainly prepare you well:

Model test 1 - get to know the exam tasks - understand the question sheet, solve the tasks step-by-step, understand the solutions

Practice - practice important words, grammar, and solution strategies for each part of the exam

Model test 2 - Apply what you have practiced, solve the entire exam, and compare it with commented solutions

Model test 3 - Simulate the test

Training in easy-to-understand language

Differences between levels A2 and B1 in the writing and speaking parts are made clear by example solutions

Audio files and audio texts via app or online code

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