• ISBN: 9781408288269
  • Category: ELT Readers
  • Learning Level: Beginner
  • Status: To be shipped from overseas 5-10 Days


Penguin English Kids Readers CLIL 2: Let's Draw Shapes

by Bentley, Kay Published by Pearson

Published 2014.

Learning can be more fun with stunning animated illustrations, interactive exercises with soundtrack and other exciting features delivered through the technologies that young learners love and understand

Learning can be more efficient with the instant feedback feature and the voice recording tool, Students can compare their voices with the modelled audio and master their pronunciation

Learning can be more flexible, with the Pearson English Kids Readers app students can learn and read from tables anytime, anywhere

Can you draw shapes? Ovals, circles, a square? Can you draw Straight and curved lines? Great! Now you can draw a bird, a fish, a boat, a tree, flowers and a beautiful butterfly!

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