• ISBN: 9780462007441
  • Category: Grammar & Practice
  • Learning Level: Pre-Intermediate to Upper Intermediate
  • Status: Temporarily out of stock. Despatched within 4 working days.


Real English Grammar Intermediate Book and CD

by Lott, Hester Published by National Geographic Learning

Published 2006.

Real English Grammar presents grammar in a fresh and student-friendly way, and with the focus on context. It is designed for use in the classroom or for self-study. Each unit engages the student from the start with a passage of authentic text, designed to show how the grammatical or lexical area is used in a real context. An audio CD allows the student to listen to these texts read by native speakers at natural speeds in a variety of accents. Exercises and examples throughout Real English Grammar ensure that meaning, as well as form, are clearly understood.

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