English is Context Practical Pragmatics for Clear Communication DTDS

by Grundtvig, Andreas Published by Delta Publishing

Published 2021.

The latest publication in the DELTA Teacher Development Series English is Context by Andreas Grundtvig, inspired by Geoffrey Leech's "Principles of Pragmatics". In an eye-opening workshop on the idea of "how utterances have meaning in situations", the author found the key to the one question that concerned him most as a teacher: how he could help his students when they had learnt the words, the meaning and place in a sentence, but didn't know how these words behaved in context. And this is how English is Context started. The book is divided into three distinctive parts - A, B and C, in turn on theory, practice and development of pragmatics in the ELT classroom. It provides a wealth of resources to help learners understand how language is used in context.

ISBN: 9783125017429
Category: Resource Material for Teachers - Adult or across all age groups
Status: In Stock


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