• ISBN: 9789060323861
  • Category: Linguistics
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Uber Beweise und Beweisarten bei Wilhelm Ockham

by Mollmann, Heinz-helmut Published by John Benjamins

Published 2013.

There are three kinds of demonstration (induction, persuasion, and disproof) to be found in the writings of William Ockham (1285-1347) which are the base of his theses (opiniones) so often attacked or misunderstood in ancient and modern times. Famous key words such as intuitive cognition, the principles of omnipotence and economy, side by side with technical terms as consequentia, ratio, contradictio, suppositio, and ontological ones like forma, substantia, accidens, species, qualitas, quantitas, materia, and equally Ockham's counter-arguments against Aristotelian and scholastic maxims essentially depend on these types of ratiocination. Ockham's many proofs are especially ingenious and they generally have wide and unexpected consequences for reasoning. But the common pattern of deduction has been abandoned. While he acknowledges the validity of propositions and notions in the physical world Ockham denies that it can be proved as a statement for its own. Sometimes he even refutes it as a corollary of philosophical misconceptions.

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