
Writing Simple Poems Paperback

by Wajnryb, Ruth Published by Cambridge University Press

Published 2001.

This resource book shows how to use poetry writing as a medium to teach and reinforce structure, parts of speech and punctuation, as well as other grammar and writing conventions. The paperback edition is a resource book that shows teachers how to use poetry writing as a medium to teach and reinforce structure, vocabulary, parts of speech, and punctuation, as well as other grammar and writing conventions.

Appropriate for any age or fluency level, the book can be used by ESL, foreign language, or bilingual teachers as an adjunct to their writing program. The book contains 25 easy-to-follow, self-contained lessons, each with poetry models and sample poems written by students of various ages and linguistic backgrounds. The simple patterns in this book will encourage students to express their own ideas creatively and accurately.

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