
The Creative Teacher's Compendium

by Marsh / Clare Published by Pavilion

Published 2020.

The Creative Teacher's Compendium brings teachers an extensive repertoire of creative ideas and techniques to work with in the classroom in an easily referenced A-Z format.

Creativity is a hugely exciting concept in teaching today - and vital for both teachers and learners alike. This new resource book is designed to empower you to experiment in your day-to-day practice, develop your own repertoire of creative teaching ideas, and grow as an ELT professional. For your learners this means richer lessons, increased motivation and engagement, and the confidence to rise to learning challenges.

Packed with low-preparation, practical ideas, The Creative Teacher's Compendium contains an alphabetical list of chapters with topics related to creative language teaching, covering themes such as Art, Beginnings, Conversations, Dictation, Emotions, Film - and so on. Each chapter begins with a relevant quote related to the topic, followed by a short discussion of why this area is important for creative language teaching. This introduction provides a clear rationale and directs teachers to relevant research in the area. These introductions are followed by a series of creative activities which can be used as they are or easily adapted to suit teachers' and learners' needs. The creative activities are always clearly linked to suggested language points, and sample materials show how these can be explicitly exploited. The chapters end with ideas for reflective teacher development and tasks which can be used for workshops.

Whatever context you teach in, The Creative Teacher's Compendium will equip you with the tools, inspiration, and encouragement to explore the increasingly vital role of creativity in the 21st century classroom.

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